
New! Notify Allows For Customized Email Templates

Customize Your Notify Automatic Email Templates

Aargh’s Notify!!! software automatically sends personalized “Created, Updated, and Closed” emails to residents based on the progress of their service ticket.

Aargh clients using Notify!!! get set up to use the default templates for each of the emails (see below). They work well right “out of the box.”

Aargh Notify clients can now also customize the email templates for “Created, Updated, and Closed” to include branding, corporate messaging, external links and more.

For more information on Notify!!! and watch a quick video on how it works, see our product page: Notify!!! Automatic Resident Service Emails

A Property Management Firm with 20 active people managing resident service can expect an average of 5,000 additional emails a month being sent to residents, without any additional effort by the team.

New Notify!!! Feature

Custom Email Templates

Each of the “New, Updated, and Closed” emails are HTML templates that are integrated with Rent Manager Resident Service Issue data.

The default templates work great, but now you can customize the whole email template to include your own messaging and links to things like your blog or surveys.

How Do I Customize My Email Templates?

When we get your NOTIFY!!! account set up, we will use three default email templates. One for New: “N_Add.html”. One for Updated: “N_Edit.html”. And, one for Closed: “N_Close.html.”

Note these files have the extension “.html”  

If you double-click on the file, you’ll open it in a browser, and you’ll see what the file looks like when it gets sent.

Right-click on these links and select “save as” to download these files:

When finished editing, send the files to Info@aarghsoftware.com along with your Rent Manager corporate ID.
You can have Aargh Software modify the files as well, if you just want to tell us what you want … a small set up fee applies: aarghsoftware.com/product/notify-email-template-customization/ 

The .html file is just a simple text file that can be edited on your P.C. or Mac. 

Note that some of the text have FIELD CODES in them that reference data from a Rent Manager service issue. For example, {{DescriptionHTML}} is the field code for the Description field on the service issue screen in Rent Manager. When your resident receives this email, it will be replaced with the appropriate data.

Since this is an HTML file, you can design it however you wish.

HTML for email template notification for Rent manager for Notify!!!

Edit on your Apple Mac

There are many different options for editing HTML and text files on Mac.

To edit an HTML file on a Mac, you have several options, just like on Windows. The easy way to do it

TextEdit: TextEdit comes pre-installed on macOS and can be used as a basic text editor. Run the TextEdit program. Then, open the HTML file in TextEdit, make changes, and save.

Editing a text file in textedit HTML for email template notification for Rent manager

Edit on your Windows P.C.

There are many different options for editing HTML and text files in Windows.

We list two simple ones here for a general guide to editing an HTML file using Notepad or Notepad++ on your P.C.

Using Notepad:

  1. Right-click on the HTML file you want to edit.
  2. Select “Open with” and choose “Notepad.”
  3. Make your changes to the HTML code.
  4. Save the file by going to File > Save.

Using Notepad++:

  1. If you have Notepad++ installed, right-click on the HTML file.
  2. Select “Edit with Notepad++.”
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Save the file using File > Save or by pressing Ctrl + S.

Edit with Visual Studio Code

You can work directly on the HTML code in the files.

Working on both a Mac and a P.C., Visual Studio Code is a great entry level HTML editor that can do a whole bunch more if you need it. 

Download and install from here:


HTML Code for editing Notify!!! email templates for Rent manager service issues